Claire and Henry meet when Claire is 6 and Henry is 36. Over the years their friendship blossoms and develops into romance and when Claire is 22 and Henry 28 they marry and continue their life together. But life married to a time traveler is never predictable.
As their life together becomes more and more difficult there are times when current Henry and future or past Henry find a way to make Claire's dreams come true. After several terrifying attempts, they have a child and the worries they faced with Henry's time traveling are transferred to their child. Even when Henry's story ends, it isn't really complete. Through thick and thin Claire and Henry find each other in space and time allowing their tale to become a fantastic love story. The fantasy of knowing her future husband her entire life helps when everything seems to be going wrong.
Time travel as a genetic disorder is a fascinating concept and well developed in Niffenegger's novel. The DeTambles's story is one of perseverance suited to older readers. The graphic interactions and emotional plot lines make the characters more lifelike and believable.
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