Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Invisible Library

The Invisible Library
 by Genevieve Cogman, 2015 Roc

     As a Librarian sworn to the Library, Irene deals with everything from magic to science-fiction-become-reality. Her latest assignment has her taking an apprentice on a journey into a chaos-infested world much like nineteenth-century London. 
     Kai has his own history, but it's been five years in the library studying and preparing for his practical, and Kai is ready to take the next step. Irene has been told their mission is a simple retrieval, but elements of the story don't match up with what she's experienced. 
     Irene and Kai enter the alternate world in search of a unique copy of a dangerous book, but it's already been stolen. To top it off the world seems to have too much chaos for the level of the alternate. Irene questions the information the Library has provided as the danger escalates. 
     Chaos-infested worlds risk the appearance of Dragons who have the ability to restore order to chaos-ridden alternates. Irene doesn't necessarily want to meet the dragons and the job of the Library is to keep the balance. An unexpected, and relatively drastic, warning from the Library itself seems to indicate there's more to the chaos than Irene was briefed. 
     Kai has his own secrets, but the trust and partnership between the two help Irene and Kai move forward together to solve the mystery of their assignment. As they chase the unique book they were sent for, Irene and Kai make connections in this alternate world. 
     Irene is offered the chance to join a movement that counters the solid and rigid Library in a way that still allows her the joy of discovery and exploration. The temptation is strong, but the offer comes from a man feared and vilified for his counter-societal ideas. 
     The first of her Invisible Library series, this tale weaves together a new universe of worlds where the amount of chaos energy determines how closely it aligns with the world of the reader. Older teens and adults will be better able to unravel the new laws of time and space as Irene and Kai develop their partnership and decide their individual paths forward.