Monday, November 11, 2013

Nights in Rodanthe

Nights in Rodanthe by Nicholas Sparks, 2002 Warner Books

     When her daughter, Amanda, begins to lose touch with reality after her husband’s death, Adrienne begins to tell her about a relationship from the past.
     Three years after her divorce Adrienne was watching a bed and breakfast in Rodanthe, South Carolina, when she met Paul. Paul’s wife had filed for divorce and his life began to fall apart. When he stayed at the Inn in Rodanthe, and met Adrienne, Paul was on the way to see his estranged son in Ecuador. The two met and were attracted to each other; the connection was different than either of their marriages and, in the middle of a terrible storm, became lovers. Paul was only scheduled to stay for five days. During that time Adrienne and Paul shared their lives and declared their love for one another.
     Adrienne’s story for her daughter didn’t seem relevant to Amanda’s situation, but after their five days were over, Paul continued to Ecuador to see his son. Adrienne was his inspiration to become a better parent and they planned to meet again. They wrote love letters back and forth, continuing their relationship. Adrienne offered some of the letters to Amanda as proof of Paul’s love.
     The sudden end of her mother’s relationship doesn’t inspire Amanda to jump back into life, but her memories of her mother at the time of its end remind her that her children are waiting for her. Adrienne’s love story becomes the force pushing Amanda to get back to her life and her boys, who depend on her.

     Adrienne’s story is about the love between two people later in life, unlike many romances which focus on young love and people just starting out. It focuses on love as it blooms, changes and is lost. Nights in Rodanthe is a romance novel that features the death of a loved one, which may be difficult for young readers. It is aimed toward an adult audience. 

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