In Gray's sequel to Evernight, Bianca and Lucas have been separated by the ideologies of their parents and the explosive events at the school. But the two are unwilling to allow the forces around them to keep them apart.
Despite Lucas' absence from Evernight Academy, life goes on for Bianca. She helps fellow vampire Balthazar find his sister, and searches for whatever it was Lucas hoped to find in the headmistress' quarters. But soon enough her life at Evernight Academy is overshadowed by the loss of Lucas and all Bianca wants is to be reunited with her love. All the while the troubles between the vampires and wraiths escalate.
When Lucas returns for her, Bianca decides it is time to be freed from the stress of having to hide him from her family, the urge to become a vampire, and the increasing pressure from the wraiths, to do what Bianca has no idea. Lucas doesn't play as large of a role in this portion of their tale, but the forces surrounding his and Bianca's relationship affect how they continue their lives. When the Black Cross returns to Evernight Bianca makes her decision--she escapes with Lucas and the vampire hunters.
Gray has managed to continue the Romeo and Juliet theme without turning it into a soppy teenage drama. Bianca and Lucas work around the problems that keep them apart, rather than moping and hoping they miraculously fix themselves. The couple change their circumstances, working toward their desired ending. The language is general and the content, despite including several vampire killings and deaths, remains descriptive without being graphic. Stargazer is appropriate for middle school through high school ages.
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